If you missed out on first Friday session of "Let’s Talk" you missed out on a great discussion and the “something new” that brewing over at Mt. Sinai. The group of over a dozen got together for an open discussion on fornication. The topic drew questions and concerns out in the open like…
Is it appropriate to engage in martial sexual intercourse on the Sabbath?
Could fornication within a marriage exist?
Is self pleasure yourself acceptable, since you’re the only party involved? and more.
As a “Let’s Talk” participation rule everyone remains anonymous by submitting their question on an index card for the moderator to present to the group. All questions are read aloud to the group for discussion to take place. We close each question with biblical references. Because we’re working on an hour and half time frame, we can’t get to all the questions. Therefore we’ll use this blog spot medium to answer the remaining questions from the weekly sessions. I will post each question individually. I hope to see you out with us this Friday, March 12, 2010. Enjoy, share and let’s grow!