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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Let's Talk" Wk 1 Fornication Q:2

Is self pleasuring yourself (masturbating) a sin?
Please post your comments below and be sure to add your biblical references if you have any.


  1. Im not sure if its a sin or not but I do think that its wrong if your single because you are suppose to be preserving yourself. If your married I think it might be okay, not really sure.

  2. Trying to figure it outMarch 11, 2010 at 6:52 PM

    I have been told that it's the thoughts that cause it to be a sin. Most people think about other people sexually while masturbating and those unpure thoughts would make it a sin. Right? My question is, if there are no thoughts involved and you're just "scratching an itch" is it still considered a sin?
